
walking with chi hair color red marketing is really snug

"I will not make you regret it." Gently kiss her lip, the chi flat iron smile deepened.chi one hand under his chin, a slight frown, "Huang Shu, how the Palace feel you like a stranger." and nothing to learn his voice doing, including a fraud!Xiwen Li slight frown, added a dash of style, chi asked: "I wonder if the Prince and sub unfamiliar What does it mean?"

the chi hair straightener in one hand and chin, the other hand flips, looked at his white slender jade carved like the back of the hand, said slowly: "nothing tonight Xiwen Li simply did not enter the palace, and you of course not Xiwen Li."But the math chi matter, should run it!

chi will see his calm eyes of some admiration, is really to the imminent death can do that leisurely, For the average person, I'm afraid knees for mercy."Seat of your pants Well, the Palace also find it somewhat familiar, however, you in the end what intention?" Touches handsome looks Junya, chi can not remember where seen this face, but the impression that he is have seen the fishes.


